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Our Trademark

Our added value for our IT consultants

1. Guaranteed payment within 30 days


At Zenith, we believe you should focus your energies on what you do best - delivering exceptional results in IT. We understand the importance of timely payments for all of our IT talent, which is why you will receive your compensation within 30 days of the completion of your services.

We are committed to making payments on time because your dedication and IT expertise deserve to be rewarded quickly.

By streamlining our payment processes and adhering to strict deadlines, we aim to create a stress-free and financially secure experience for you. Your efforts will be duly recognized and remunerated without unnecessary delay.

2. Provision of our in-house Timesheets 

Optimizing your workflow is at the heart of our mission. We offer you access to our fully automated Activity Report (CRA) management solution as well as our internal Timesheet management tool. This user-friendly platform allows you to easily track and record your working hours with just a few clicks.

The integration of electronic signatures further enhances the efficiency of this system, allowing you to quickly complete and submit your timesheet to your manager.

Say goodbye to manual administrative tasks and hello to Zenith Timesheet which saves you valuable time and effort. With our innovative in-house Zenith Timesheet solution, you can focus on your IT projects and let us handle administrative tasks for you.


3. Free management of your expenses

To allow you to fully concentrate on achieving exceptional results, we are delighted to announce that we take care of all expenses related to your expense reports.

At Zenith, our goal is to create a fluid and supportive environment to enable you to succeed in your IT projects without worrying about financial constraints.

4. Monthly mission follow-ups with our team

Communication and collaboration are essential elements of a successful consulting partnership. As a recruitment firm specializing in the IT field, we value your IT talent and strive to provide you with the necessary support.

We schedule monthly follow-up sessions with our dedicated team.

During these meetings, we will consider your feedback and take the time to understand your progress, address any concerns, and celebrate your successes.

This is your opportunity to share your experiences, exchange ideas and receive valuable feedback. Zenith and its team are here to listen to you, offer you solutions and explore opportunities for your professional development in the IT field.


5. Satisfaction surveys throughout the mission


Your satisfaction is of utmost importance, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve your experience as a consultant at Zenith.

We have planned satisfaction surveys throughout the duration of your mission. These questionnaires allow you to share your comments regarding our services and your overall experience.

By actively listening to your suggestions, we can tailor our offerings to better meet your needs and ensure that every aspect of your journey with us is exceptional.

6. Contracts and amendments managed by electronic signature

Gone are the days of heavy paperwork and lengthy postal processes.

At Zenith, we embrace technological advancements to simplify and accelerate your journey as an IT consultant. With our electronic signature system, you can easily review and exchange essential documents with just a few clicks.

This efficient process is not only quick but also ensures the security and confidentiality of your sensitive information.

7. A helping hand for your next mission

We leverage our extensive network and industry connections to showcase your unique talents and skills. By putting yourself in the spotlight, we increase your visibility with potential clients and employers.

When your current assignment comes to an end, we actively help you find your next opportunity. Our team works with you to understand your preferences, your professional aspirations and the projects you desire.

Zenith connects you with companies looking for IT consultants with your specific expertise.

8. We give you room to speak 


Through regular feedback surveys and open communication channels, we actively seek your opinions on our processes. Your voice matters, and we are committed to listening and responding promptly to your feedback.

9. A magnificent end-of-year gift

At the end of each year, in gratitude for your dedication and hard work, we express our appreciation with a thoughtful and meaningful end-of-year gift.

It's our way of recognizing your efforts and demonstrating our commitment to fostering an enriching and lasting relationship. Your success is the cornerstone of our achievements, and we celebrate your accomplishments with this special gesture, looking forward to many prosperous years together.

Unlock a world of opportunities! Become a consultant at Zenith by applying on our job board or by sending us your CV.


Our tailor-made and innovative solutions are here to give you the means to navigate the exciting IT landscape.

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